martes, 8 de septiembre de 2020

16 - INGLÉS - 5to C - Prof. Ana Campos - 05/08

 August 05th                                                   N°16 – 5to C – Prof. Ana Campos

1- Write the correct form of the verb ‘to be’: AM – IS – ARE
     Escribí la forma correcta del Verb TO BE

1-     He _______ my best friend.

2-     She _______ my mother.

3-     They _______ are teachers.

4-     It _______ an apple.

5-     I ______ a student.

6-     Peter _______ my brother

7-     We _______ children.

8-     Mary _______ a nurse.

9-     I _______ very happy.

10-  You _______ a good student

2- Complete with the Verb TO BE and then write the number of the sentence in each picture.
    Completá con el Verb TO BE y luego escribí el número de la oración en cada dibujo.

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