lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2020

Continuidad pedagógica inglés 5toB TM

Semanas del 24 de noviembre al 4 de diciembre

Let’s make a revision!

Activity 1:

Match each sentence with the correct picture. Uní cada oración con la imagen correcta.

·         It can swim ……………………………

·         He can jump …………………………

·         It is big …………………………………

·         He is wearing blue shorts ………………………..

·         It is red, yellow and blue………………………….

·         She is wearing a dress …………………………….

·         It can walk and swim …………………………………..

·         It is black and white …………………………

·         It is wearing a brown sweater………………….

·         She is tall ……………………….

·         It can fly ………………………..

·         It is wearing red glasses ……………………….

·         It is green …………………………………..

·         He is wearing a purple t-shirt……………….

·         It is brown. It can’t fly……………………..







Activity 2: Look at the picture and write two sentences (mira la imagen y escribí dos oraciones)

It ..........................................

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