Semanas del
24 de noviembre al 4 de diciembre
Let’s make a revision!
Activity 1:
each sentence with the correct picture. Uní cada oración con la imagen correcta.
It can swim ……………………………
He can jump …………………………
It is big …………………………………
He is wearing blue shorts ………………………..
It is red, yellow and blue………………………….
She is wearing a dress …………………………….
It can walk and swim …………………………………..
It is black and white …………………………
It is wearing a brown
She is tall ……………………….
It can fly ………………………..
It is wearing red glasses ……………………….
It is green …………………………………..
He is wearing a purple
It is brown. It can’t fly……………………..
Activity 2: Look at
the picture and write two sentences (mira la imagen y escribí dos oraciones)